
I dunno emoji keyboard
I dunno emoji keyboard

i dunno emoji keyboard

Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Theory of Mind ( transcript).That’s the kind of episode it’s – Clitics ( transcript).Corpus linguistics and consent – Interview with Kat Gupta ( transcript).

i dunno emoji keyboard

  • Cool things about scales and implicature ( transcript).
  • Where to get your English etymologies ( transcript).
  • Here are the main episodes that came out this year: We also did our first virtual liveshow (as part of LingFest), introduced new bouba/kiki and what the fricative merch, and sent patrons a Lingthusiastic Sticker Pack. In our fifth year of Lingthusiasm, a podcast that’s enthusiastic about linguistics which I make with Lauren Gawne and our production team, we did some general sprucing up, including a new cover photo (now featuring a jacketless Because Internet), a new portrait drawing, and a new website (for which I wrote a long meta process post here). It was great working with the large teams on that project! Lingthusiasm
  • Language change and historical linguisticsĮach video also comes with a few companion links and exercises from Mutual Intelligibility and a list of all of the languages mentioned in Crash Course Linguistics is here.

    Here’s the full list again so they’re all in once place, or you can watch them all at this playlist. The final three videos of Crash Course Linguistics came out in 2021, although it was largely a 2020 project. Lauren Gawne and I did a Lingthusiasm crossover appearance on the NPR show Ask Me Another, featuring two fun quiz segments, one on accepted or rejected emoji and one on famous book titles.

    i dunno emoji keyboard i dunno emoji keyboard

  • I’m quoted in a New York Times Wordplay piece about ending texts with a period.
  • I’m cited in a Wikipedia article about boomerspeak.
  • BBC Word of Mouth – The Shipping Forecast.
  • Peeking face, palm up, and palm down – the emoji I proposed with Lauren Gawne and Jennifer Daniel are now officially in Unicode 14.0 and will be coming to your devices in the next few years.
  • Someone made a crossword puzzle of Because Internet!.
  • PUZZLE SPOILERS: A quote from Because Internet in the New York Times acrostic.
  • Why Shakespeare Could Never Have Been French (video with Tom Scott).
  • Why do adults…over 40….use ellipses…so much? Crossover with Tim Blais of Acapella Science.
  • How Linguistics Can Help You Learn a Language – I did a talk for Duolingo’s DuoCon.
  • I put up my acceptance speech as a blog post. I was honoured to be the recipient of the Linguistics, Language, and the Public Award from the Linguistic Society of America in 2021. (Might they also reflect how under-socialized I got by a certain point in this pandemic? Hmmm.) But those other projects were very interesting both to do and to reflect on, such as coordinating LingComm21: the first International Conference on Linguistics Communication, and redesigning the Lingthusiasm website. Hopefully, you're going to be able to find the euro symbol among those.2021 was in many ways a very meta year: most of my writing projects were reflections on the social functions of various other projects I was working on. If the keyboard layout did change it's going to show you what symbol is going to be placed when you press which key. On this On Screen Keyboard press Alt Gr (right Alt key) on it, or if that doesn't change much - press Ctrl key instead - yes, because it's Microsoft 🙄.


    To better find out what's available and not for your keyboard layout open an on-screen keyboard - you can find it by pressing Windows Key and when start menu opens up typing "On screen keyboard". Note that you are probably only going to be able to type Euro symbol with Alt Gr shortcut if you have a keyboard layout of a European country - this only works on Spanish keyboard layout for Spain, not for Mexico, for example. I'm guessing it's same for most EU country keyboard layouts also. On " English - United Kingdom" keyboard layout for UK / Great Britain it's Alt Gr + 4 - I'll remind you that it's Shift + 4 for $ dollar sign and Shift + 3 for ££💷 GBP Pound symbol sign. This AltGr + E combination produces a euro sign. On Windows on some keyboard layouts, for example "Española - Spain" you can make € euro symbol with, for example, holding Alt Gr - Right Alt key - pressing E key and letting go of both. Alt Gr shortcut for Euro symbol on European keyboard layouts

    I dunno emoji keyboard